Children’s Ministry
Sunday morning church groups for children

Children’s Ministry
All church families have support from a serving elder and the Ministers. For further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Children Ministry coordinator Elza de Bruin: She’d be delighted to hear from you.
Our All Ages Carol Service on Sunday 15th December was led by our minister, the Reverend Nigel Uden. Together we assembled a nativity scene, sang carols and listened to haku, bible stories and anthems.
To watch a recording of livestream, please click on the video above.
We hope you can join us at a service soon.
Holy Week and Easter 2024

On Palm Sunday we made an Easter Garden as we thought about the journey that Jesus made during Holy Week.

On Easter Day we rolled back the stone in front of the tomb as we celebrated that Jesus was Risen!

We helped to create a gift for those members of the congregation who we wanted to let know we were thinking of them.
One Sunday we created colourful crosses which then hung in the Hub for all to admire for a few weeks. As Easter weekend approached the pastoral care group arranged for some plants to be delivered and then our crosses were attached to the plants ready to decorate the church steps on Easter Day. They were then collected by the Elders and delivered to their new owners.
Out of sight is definitely not out of mind here at Downing Place URC.