Working together for a better world
NightLite operate as part of Cambridge Street Pastors, offering a drop in, safe space in a central location between 10.00pm and 4.00am Friday and Saturday nights. They offer a place to rest and recover, wait for friends, drink water or coffee, charge your phone, a listening ear and more.
We have a self-contained space at the Downing Place end of the premises known as the Emmanuel Room, which offers the perfect facilities for the NightLite volunteer team to use.
Find out more about NightLite and Street Pastors via their website .

Downing Place Church members and friends have supported Cambridge City Food Bank for many years. Prior to the corona virus lockdown, there were regular monthly collections but since then we have encouraged members of the congregation to remember to drop their food donations in one of the bins provided at most local supermarkets. Details of which foodstuffs are needed and how to donate can be found at:
One of our Elders, Stephen Thornton, is Chair of the Food Bank’s Trustees and several members of our congregation are volunteers. We take part in the annual lenten, harvest and Christmas Hamper collections.
Every day, families in the UK go hungry for reasons ranging from redundancy to receiving an unexpected bill on a low income. The high cost of housing in Cambridge means that even those in work struggle from time to time. A simple box of food makes a big difference, with foodbanks helping prevent crime, housing loss, family breakdown and mental health problems. The Food Bank is dependent on schools, churches, businesses and individuals donating non-perishable, in-date food.
The Food Bank partners with a wide range of organisations that act as referral points. Individuals are issued with a voucher which they bring to one of 9 welcome centres, located mainly in local churches. In addition, the Foodbank has recently opened 5 social supermarkets called ‘Fairbite Food Clubs’ where people can come and shop on a weekly basis in return for a modest membership fee. For more information go to: