Saturday 7 May  Celebration Dinner in Westminster College at 6.00 for 6.30 pm

Three course meal with aperitif, glass of wine and coffee – £30

Sunday 8 May  Commemoration Day Morning Worship at 11.00 am

Mr John Ellis, URC Moderator (guest preacher)

Saturday 11 June  “St Columba” – a lecture/recital

Prof Maire Ni Mhaonaigh and Cambridge Voices     at 4.00 pm, followed by refreshments

Sunday 12 June  St Columba’s Day Morning Worship at 11.00 am

Rev’d Dr Ian Bradley, University of St Andrews (guest preacher)

followed by a congregational lunch in the halls

Saturday 16 July  Art Exhibition and Sale 10.00 am – 4.00 pm     with tea, coffee and biscuits

Sunday 17 July  Morning Worship at 11.00 am

Rev’d Paul Whittle, Moderator of Eastern Synod (guest preacher)

Saturday 20 August  Music for choir, organ and piano with audience participation

featuring specially commissioned works for St Columba’s

with Cambridge Voices and Ian de Massini at 4.00 pm

Wednesday 28 September to Monday 3 October

Pilgrimage to Iona, Argyll and Glasgow.

Coach trip with five nights half board. £299 per person based on two people sharing

Saturday 8 October  “Sisters of Sinai” – a lecture/recital

Prof Janet Soskice and Cambridge Voices at 4.00 pm, followed by refreshments

Sunday 9 October  Harvest Festival Morning Worship at 11.00 am

followed by a congregational lunch in the halls

Saturday 26 November St Andrews-tide Ceilidh

Fish and chip supper followed by light entertainment


There will also be a monthly fund-raising stall on the second Sunday of the month:

promoting events and selling produce and commemoration merchandise.




Click here to see Programme: St C 125 Celebrations

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