We are pleased to be welcoming more people to Downing Place now!
Following the Government’s announcement last week, members of the Church have considered carefully how we might begin to loosen restrictions while keeping everyone who visits us as safe as possible.
We are glad to say that this means that we can now accommodate up to 80 people at our Sunday services and Lunchtime Concerts; a significant increase which we hope will mean that everyone who wants to come, will be able to have a seat. You should leave one chair between you and the next person; unless of course you came together.
The Church asks that those coming to worship or hear music continue to wear a mask while they are on the premises.
We are continuing to ask people attending Lunchtime Concerts to book in advance if possible; as before we will continue to keep a number of spaces available each week for those who have not booked. Booking for each concert will go live on the homepage of our website on the previous Wednesday at around 4pm.
Booking will no longer be necessary for Sunday Worship at 11am; although for the service of Holy Communion on Sunday 1 August at 11am we are asking people to book by contacting our Church Secretary, Margaret Thompson – this will enable us to plan a safe way for worshippers to receive communion.
These arrangements will continue until 1 September and will be reviewed in mid-August.
We look forward to seeing many more people at our regular events – reconnecting with old friends and making new ones.