Our minister, Revd Nigel Uden, took to the rooftops earlier this week for the topping out ceremony to celebrate the completed roof of Downing Place URC.


He offered this prayer on behalf of the congregation:

Eternal God,

your Son Jesus Christ is the Church’s keystone,

crowning it with hope,

holding it in place with grace,

ensuring its stability with truth.


As we mark the topping out of this project,

we praise you for all those who, with myriad skills,

are renewing Downing Place Church

for the glory of your name

and in service to your mission.


Looking down on the sanctuary,

where we preach Christ crucified and risen,

we hear you calling us to come to you in faith;

looking out over the city,

where beauty and need walk side by side,

we hear you calling us to go to it with love.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,

we pray your blessing upon what is being done,

until you bring it and all things to completion,

at the day of Jesus Christ,


There are still some months to go before work below in the main building is complete and we are able to reoccupy the church, but we are encouraged that this significant stage has been completed, and look forward to to next ste

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